Keeping Your Teeth Healthy Through Proper Dental Care

main of Keeping Your Teeth Healthy Through Proper Dental Care.

Did you know that 3.9 billion people worldwide have tooth decay? According to the FDI World Dental Federation, 100% of all adults and 60 to 90% of school-going children have had experience with some amount of tooth decay. 30% of individuals aged above 65 years lack natural teeth. All these make treatment of dental conditions the fourth most expensive kind of health treatment. Dental diseases cause discomfort and may cause facial malformation, thus have an impact on a person’s confidence and sense of self-esteem.

The cause of the rising number of dental disease cases is due to the unhealthy diet of most individuals and poor oral hygiene practices. Eating sugary foods and not brushing or flossing are some of the harmful dental practices. In this article, we will take a look into how to keep your teeth healthy through proper dental care.

Taking Care of Your Teeth At Home

FDI World Dental Federation recommends brushing your teeth at least twice a day or after every meal. Brushing with a fluoride-containing toothpaste is beneficial as it maintains the integrity of the teeth and gums. Fluoride found in toothpaste aids in mitigating tooth decay by forming a protective barrier over your teeth against the pathogens that cause tooth decay.

The type of brush and brushing technique is also important. Choose a toothbrush with gentle fibers and brush in a circular motion, especially for the incisors. While brushing do not forget to brush your tongue as it may harbor harmful pathogens that may cause tooth decay.

Flossing your teeth is as equally important for proper oral hygiene. Dentists recommend flossing at least once per day using a string of dental floss. Flossing aids in removing food particles that are stuck in between the teeth. The use of mouthwash has been quite the controversial topic. However, dentists recommend using mouthwash as it reduces the amount of acid in the mouth, thus re-mineralizing the teeth. Consult with your local dentist on the best mouthwash to use.

Diet plays a crucial role in maintaining proper dental care. Eating sugary foods, fermented carbohydrates, and other acidic food facilitates the demineralization of teeth. In addition, the acidic environment and the presence of certain bacteria in the mouth facilitate the formation of tooth decay. Bad oral hygiene and malnutrition predispose an individual to necrotizing gingivitis. Dentists recommend:

  • Eating foods that are rich in calcium and phosphorous as it facilitates the re-mineralization of teeth.
  • Eat foods rich in fibers.
  • Avoid sugar-containing foods like cookies, biscuits, soft drinks, ice cream, and sweets.
  • Eating whole grain meals or eating of crunchy fruits and vegetables as such foods promote mastication, thus exercising the gums.
  • Eat foods that are rich in vitamin C and K like oranges and spinach to prevent gingivitis and other diseases.

Benefits of Regular Dentists Trips.

The current practice in dentistry is to take more preventive than a curative approach to dental problems. Therefore, the American Dental Association (ADA) recommends that one should visit a dentist every six months. This is because during dental visits, a dentist can identify dental problems at an early stage. The dentist examines the teeth, gums, mouth, and mobility of the lower jaw. He can assess for tooth decay, loose or damaged teeth, the state of the gums, and broken fillings.

The dentists assess the mouth for any indications of oral cancer, vitamin deficiency, calcium or phosphorus deficiency, and diabetes. In addition, the dentist may perform a head and neck examination to assess for any malformation or indicator of a disease.

The dentist may suggest cleaning the teeth to remove plaque, tartar, food, or tobacco stains. They may polish the teeth for that extra shine which will boost your confidence and self-esteem. In case of bad breath, dentists assess the cause of bad breath and recommend ways to prevent bad breath.

It is during dental visits that a patient gets to discuss proper dental care with their dentists. The dentist emphasizes the need to brush your teeth after every meal and frequent flossing. Additionally, one may learn a few tips for dental hygiene from the dentists.
