Have All the Equipment Ready Before You Go Rock Climbing

main of Have All the Equipment Ready Before You Go Rock Climbing

Unlike hang gliding or skydiving, rock climbing is one extreme sport that puts you in complete control. It also requires strength, after all, you are climbing up, not down. Only with perseverance and determination will you make it to the top. Rock climbing is the perfect sport for anyone who wishes to know the feeling of true achievement. Not only does rock climbing provide a decent adrenaline rush, but it is a serious workout. Climbing builds upper-body strength, provides an aerobic workout and maintains heart health. Also, determining the best path up provides a mental workout.

That said, it is vital that you are fully prepared before climbing for the first time. As mentioned, rock climbing is a pretty intense sport, and although you will likely have friends or trainers to help you, having the right gear is always beneficial. Following is a list of things you should have before your first rock climbing adventure.

1 - Ropes

This is the most vital of all rock climbing equipment. Climbing ropes connect the whole safety chain together and if you should fall, they can save your life. If you begin at an indoor rock climbing facility, the rope will probably be provided. This is because most climbing facilities provide rope due to liability reasons. Some facilities, however, require that you have your own ropes and provide lead climbing. When choosing your own rope you need to consider the length and diameter of the rope, as well as type, safety ratings, and features. Never cheap out on your ropes. 

2 - Helmet

Climbing helmets are useful for many things. If you are engaging in outdoor rock climbing like traditional climbing, sport climbing, or mountaineering, your helmet cushions your head from falling debris and rocks. Some helmets also offer protection if you fall. If you are climbing indoors, you probably will not need a helmet since this is a controlled environment, usually with foam floors. That being said, you can never be too careful! Helmets should sit flat on top of your head and fit snugly.

3 - Rock Climbing Shoes

Good footwear is truly vital. Softer climbing shoes are best for beginners because they allow for a better feel and grip on the wall. Climbing shoes are designed to provide friction for gripping footholds while protecting your feet. They should fit snugly, however they should not be so tight as to cause pain. The snug fit allows you to make use of smaller footholds. It is important to find the shoes that work best for you so don't be afraid to test out different ones.

4 - Harness

Harnesses can be just a piece of rope that is looped, or you may prefer a full-body variation. The most popular harness is the sit harness, which has a belt that goes around your waist and loops around your legs. If you would like a more deluxe harness, you can get one that is padded to protect from chafing and provide a more comfortable climb. You should always check for damage or defects when selecting a harness.

5 - Belay Device

This is the first piece of hardware a climber will typically purchase. The belay is a brake device that uses mechanical friction to control the rope. The belayer, or person who stays on the ground and secures the climber, uses the belay device to lower the climber, slowly let out the rope during the climber's ascent, or to stop a fall should the climber slip. Depending on what type of climbing you intend to do, there are three kinds of belay devices, these are assisted braking, figure 8, and tubular.

6 - Chalk

A good grip is essential to rock climbing. Chalk greatly enhances your grip by absorbing moisture such as sweat from your skin and hands. Not only does this enhance friction, but it also protects against chafing. Generally, climbing chalk is made out of Magnesium Carbonate, which is the same stuff used by weightlifters and gymnasts to give them a better grip. For a lower environmental impact, you should use chalk the same color as the rock you are climbing. For inside facilities, use a chalk sack to lower dust dispersion.

7 - Carabiners

Carabiners, often knowns as biners are sturdy, light rings that are used to link the climbing ropes with other climbing pieces like camming devices or bolts. They are often made from a mixture of plastic and steel and have a gate that lets the rope pass through. Carabiners can be secured to equipment, clothing, and other things to allow the climber to navigate up and down a rock face or wall. Carabiners are available in a variety of sizes and shapes.
