Anxiety is A Troubling Mental Health Condition Affecting A Huge Part of the Population

main of Anxiety is A Troubling Mental Health Condition Affecting A Huge Part of the Population

Most people deal with anxiety from time to time. It is a normal part of everyday life. There are various things that cause us to worry, from personal finances to complications in relationships. These feelings are usually transitory, but for those with an anxiety disorder, they can morph into long-term issues that impact aspects of daily life.
Understanding anxiety means learning about its various causes. From there, one can start to manage their anxiety, gaining more control over their life. Managing anxiety is rarely something that can be done simply and comfortably. Instead, it’s a long term activity that can require numerous different methods to help treat it. 

Causes of Anxiety

There is no singular cause of anxiety. Given that everyone's genetic makeup and environmental experiences are different, it is no small wonder that anxiety manifests a bit uniquely from person to person. According to the American Psychiatric Association, the causes of anxiety likely result from a mixture of multiple factors. Those factors include:

  • Environmental
  • Genetic
  • Developmental
  • Psychological

A review published in 2018 states that environmental factors in anxiety disorders range from the religion someone was raised in to their unique family dynamics. There is further evidence to suggest that childhood trauma elevates a person's risk of developing an anxiety disorder later on in life.

A lot of life stressors can affect a person, too. For some individuals, certain social scenarios can induce anxiety when they think they might not be viewed by others in a favorable light.

Some studies have identified other factors that seem to influence who experiences anxiety symptoms. Sexuality appears to have an influence on anxiety, given that one study from 2016 found that non-heterosexual respondents were more likely to report experiencing anxiety than their heterosexual peers. Gender dysphoria, being marginalized, and experiencing stigma can cause anxiety for transgender people.

Per the American Psychological Association (APA), discrimination based on race, as well as socioeconomic disadvantages that come with race, can factor in as a cause of anxiety. Aggressive law enforcement encounters in particular seem to cause anxiety in non-white individuals.

Genetic factors are hard to ignore when it comes to anxiety. Some people say that anxiety 'runs in the family.' There are a whole slew of genetic factors that could contribute to someone experiencing anxiety, and they can vary among different demographics. However, it is likely that environmental factors have a stronger hold over who experiences anxiety and why.

Managing Anxiety

Managing one's anxiety is crucial in order to gain some control over their life. One way to start out is to speak with a trusted loved one. It can be a close friend, a parent or sibling, or a counselor. Speaking with someone can help a person with anxiety relax, refocus, and feel better.

Taking care of one's health is also helpful for managing anxiety. This means tweaking their diet if they find you need more energy, getting more physical activity, and getting enough sleep every night on a regular schedule.

Another way to manage anxiety is through meditation and yoga. Practicing mindfulness is something everyone can benefit from doing, as it can help keep a person present in the moment. But, for some people, more physical engagement is needed, which is where yoga comes in handy. In yoga, practitioners learn how to calm the mind in order to focus on the body and breathing.

Keeping a journal in which thoughts and feelings are recorded can be effective, too. A journal is like speaking with a friend, but it is totally private and allows the writer to vent without a filter. Plus, the writer can go back and read through it later and see how well they're doing at managing their anxiety.

There are quite a few types of traditional and alternative therapies for anxiety. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) are both used by therapists. Hypnotherapy, massage, reflexology, and herbal remedies are also used to help people manage their anxiety symptoms.

Anxiety is difficult to live with, and there is no cure for it. However, it is a condition that can be managed with various types of treatment. There is no shame in reaching out for help managing anxiety and regaining control over one's life.
