An Exercise Bike Is The Perfect At-Home Exercise Equipment

main of An Exercise Bike Is The Perfect At-Home Exercise Equipment

Exercise bikes are excellent workout equipment to have. They give the perfect workout with minimal stress on the body. Exercise bikes allow you to stay fit at home by getting the exercise you need without having to go to the gym. These are even more convenient with the number of gyms that have been struggling with their finances. Many people are staying home to work these days, which makes things far more convenient. 

Since people are staying home, it’s much easier to exercise at home since you’re already there! Gyms aren’t too bad when you’re driving back and forth past them each day for work. When you’re not, they are less useful. Conversely, it’s easy to become sedentary and unhealthy when you have to spend so much time at home. An exercise bike is the best way to stay active while you’re staying home and staying safe.

Types of Exercise Bikes

There are three types of exercise bikes that most people may choose to buy. They include: 

  • ​Upright Bikes - These bikes are more similar in appearance to the classic bicycle than the other types. Upright Bikes occupy little space and can be transported easily. They are typically designed to engage the entire body each time you workout. The muscles of your upper body, arms, and lower body are engaged when you workout. While you exercise the seat of the Upright Bike will support your weight. Also, it is easy to reach the pedals as they are made to align with the feet of the user. The only downside is that your back and rear might feel sore after a workout.
  • ​Recumbent Bikes - These bikes are an excellent choice because they decrease stress on joints. Recumbent bikes are perfect for people who have issues with their knees and those that are recovering from an injury. This bike optimizes comfort while you work out. The seat is larger than that of the upright bike. You can lean back and pedal and get your exercise done. Recumbent bikes have reclining seats and the pedals are placed in front of the user. These bikes offer a low-intensity workout.
  • ​Indoor Cycles - Indoor bikes share many similarities with upright bikes. They however have some differences. These bikes allow the user to be positioned forward as the handlebar is a good distance from the seat. Indoor bikes also facilitate standing so you can engage more of your muscles while you workout. These are the best bikes to maximize the number of calories you burn.

Getting a Good Cardio Workout

Exercise bikes are a great way to get a good cardio workout. Riding these bikes not only helps to burn calories and strengthen muscles. They also help to improve lungs and heart health and burn fat. Other cardio workouts like running and jogging put a lot of stress on your joints. Stationary exercise bikes reduce the amount of stress on your joints. They are also better for your joints than other cardio workout equipment. If your goal is to lose weight, these bikes provide the perfect cardio workout to do so by helping you to burn a lot of calories. In an hour, you can burn up to 600 calories using an exercise bike. However, this is dependent on how intensely you workout and your body weight.

Stationary exercise bikes are also beneficial because of the low-impact workout they offer. This type of workout puts little stress on joints and bones. In fact, it helps to strengthen them. Your feet stay planted on the pedals as you workout with exercise bikes so the pressure on your bones and joints is reduced. Exercise bikes also make your legs and the other muscles of your lower body stronger. These muscles include your quadriceps, calves, and hamstrings. They also workout your glutes and core muscles. Exercise bikes with handles also target your shoulders, triceps and biceps. They also allow you to work out in intervals so you can alternate between intense exercise and low-intensity workout.

Online Connected Bikes

Phones, televisions, and even refrigerators are being made as smart devices so why shouldn't your exercise bike be smart too? In recent years exercise bikes have grown in popularity because they can now connect to the internet and are smarter. Exercise bikes are now being manufactured with large screens. These screens are placed at the front of the bikes and allow users to interact with them and access the internet. These will allow you to search through millions of cycling classes and stream them while you exercise. Most brands of smart indoor exercise bikes allow you to pay for a subscription so that you can stream these classes. This is a great way to enjoy a nice soul cycle class without having to leave your home.
