A Good Drum Kit Can Be Great Fun

main of A Good Drum Kit Can Be Great Fun (lifetimespro)

Whether a drummer is a beginner who's looking to start out as a musician, a hobbyist, or someone who wants to make music seriously, drumming can be extremely fun. The high energy of drumming, combined with the sophistication and detail of the instrument, makes playing a drum kit rewarding and exciting. When practicing drumming, nothing beats playing on the real thing. However, buying a drum kit can sometimes seem a bit overwhelming. Each drum set is a bit different, so it's good for drummers to get an idea of what they're looking for, what buying a drum kit entails, and where the best places to buy are before they go shopping. Once that is settled, then it’s time to grab the sticks and run with it! 

What's Included in a Standard Drum Kit?

The answer to what's included in a standard drum kit varies depending on what kind of package the seller or store is offering. At its simplest, a standard drum kit will generally include a snare drum, a medium tom, a floor tom, and a bass drum. Some drum kits will come with three toms instead of just two: a small, medium, and floor tom.

Many drum kits also include hardware, such as a snare stand, stands for the toms, and a bass pedal. Some kits might also include cymbals. Cymbals on a basic kit usually include a high-hat, crash, and ride. The kit may also come with the stands for the cymbals, but sometimes, these will need to be purchased separately.

When purchasing a drum kit, people may be able to select which stands, cymbals, or pedals they want to go with their kit. These can also be upgraded and replaced over time as drummers learn what they like or what they need to play better.

Electric Drum Kits

Many people consider purchasing electronic drum kits instead of acoustic, traditional kits because they're a great way to play drums quietly. This makes them a perfect choice for apartments or any area where drums might disturb another person. Many electric drum kits are also more compact in size and are often less expensive than full traditional kits, so they're a good option for beginner drummers or those with limited space.

Electric drum kits include a snare, bass, and three toms, all arranged on a single stand. They also usually include a high-hat, crash, and ride cymbal, all of which are also electronic, as well as a control box, which allows drummers to adjust the sounds and volume of the drums. Drummers can even plug headphones into this box so they can drum without anyone else hearing.

Best Places to Buy a Drum Kit

There are several places to buy drum kits, but the best options include:

  • Buying from an independent music store
  • Buying from a larger chain music store
  • Buying from an individual

Buying from an independent music store is often a good choice because stores can help musicians select a kit that suits their particular musical needs. They may also have used kits or stands at a discounted price. Larger music stores are also a good option, as they tend to have large selections of both new and used kits and can help musicians get the exact drum kit they're hoping for. Drummers can also look for individuals selling used kits. These kits are often less expensive than kits sold at stores and generally come with all of the hardware and cymbals needed.

Before deciding on a specific place to purchase a drum kit, drummers may want to get an idea of the brand and style of kit that they're looking for. They can then shop around at different stores to find the best price or package deal.
