Many Devices Have Been Created to Help You Organize Your Life and Closet

main of Many Devices Have Been Created to Help You Organize Your Life and Closet

If getting dressed has become a huge hassle that eats into your morning, organizing your closet may be game changing for you. It may be the decision that makes a difference in your morning routine. Starting your day can go from being the biggest headache to a joy. Time spent on getting your closet organized will quickly pay for itself. A weekend spent on this effort can save an hour or more a day and be well worth the work in short order. Whether you go to Walmart and buy some free-standing organizers to add to your existing closet or go to a place like Home Depot to completely customize your closet, you are in for a happy surprise. From baskets to shelves to clever hanging devices, there is a wealth of organizing devices to help you make your morning routine a breeze instead of a burden.

Tools for Organizing Your Closet

In order to begin organizing your closet, you first need to clean out your closet and catalog everything. For starters, go through your clothes and get rid of anything you haven't worn in the past two years.

The only tools you need for this effort is some boxes and bags to give away or throw away unwanted items and a surface to sort everything on. Many people just use their bed as their sorting surface.

Next, you will want to clean and measure your closet. This will take cleaning supplies and a tape measure, plus some means to record the measurements. You may want to add some free-standing organizers, such as hanging organizers and free-standing shelves. These may require no tools at all to install. Alternately, you may want to customize your closet. This may involve tools like a hacksaw for cutting shelves to size and a screw driver to install everything.

Tips for Organization

Before you put things back, you should organize everything by season, color and type of item. You will be able to find things more readily if all shirts are hung together, all skirts are hung together, all jackets are hung together, etc.

This is also a great way to maximize space. Whether you just add a few free-standing organizers or completely customize your closet, you may be able to effectively double your closet space by grouping things together.

Most people do not have that many really long pieces, like dresses, long coats and house robes. You can set aside a small section of the closet for longer pieces and then create a double row of hanging space for shorter pieces like tops and jackets. Remember the saying "A place for everything and everything in its place." This is the heart of all good organization.

Measuring and categorizing everything helps you design a closet with a place for everything. When you have that, finding what you need and putting together a great outfit becomes vastly easier.

Using a Professional Organizer

A professional organizer can make sure your silk items and wool items get properly and safely stored to protect them from moths and help them keep their shape. Hiring someone can save you many hours on researching which devices to use to store and protect your valuable wardrobe.

If you have friends with great closets, ask if they can recommend someone. If you are in a big city, check the local listings and don't hesitate to ask for references if you do have to cold call someone.

Be prepared to still spend some time on this. They will need to talk to you about your needs and budget, they will need to catalog what is in your closet and design an organized closet. It's a small price to pay to help you manage your time. Bonus points: It will likely help your classic wardrobe pieces last years longer as well.
